Gabliele 发表于 2020-3-2 05:14:27

【0.9】泰拉铎保卫联盟 [Tyrador Safeguard Coalition] 1.6.1c

本帖最后由 Gabliele 于 2020-7-31 02:40 编辑

这里是下载地址 放在前头方便那些已经了解或者想略过介绍的玩家

模组的介绍/舰船预览 有关该模组作者提供的基本信息、预览图以及译者的补充说明原作者的介绍]泰拉铎的母星 Arcon 与被称为人之领工程奇迹的轨道环
The following mod attempts to integrate a complete new faction into the base game that does not deviate wildly from it. This faction is formally known as the Tyrador Safeguard Coalition, or colloquially, as the Coalition.

The mod itself tries to introduce a "Forge World" fantasy into the game, where the Coalition faction is centered around a single heavily populated industrialized planet, in a heavily defended system.
And meanwhile the faction was not an interstellar megacorporation like the Tri-Tachyon, it surely was the home of several innovations, some of these creations being retconned to before the fall of the domain, as such many of the ships added by the mod have some vanilla faction skins, specially Tri-Tachyon skins, since the "natives" would have worked closely with them.

围绕着一颗人口稠密的工业行星,在联盟重重设防的星系保护下之下,模组将尝试为游戏引入一股带有“铸造世界”风格般的构想。注:“Forge World”意指 战锤40k 背景中的铸造世界,被不计其数的工业群落覆盖着的地表与因高度污染而变得险恶的星球环境是它们的最大特征之一。该星系正是此势力的家园,同时也是数项创新诞生地,其中的一部分技术回收自大崩塌前的项目,这使模组中含有不少符合原版势力风格的舰船,而速子科技的版本尤甚。但不同于速子科技那样属于巨型星际企业,这个“本土势力”只是与前者保持着密切的合作关系。

Style wise, the faction ships, overall, are flavored between midline and hightech, leaning more closely to the later.
In regards to gameplay, the faction is pretty much focused in larger ships, where destroyers and smaller vessels are mostly relegated to support functions. Many of the ships have severe downfalls, requiring the player to deploy well balanced fleets into battle. The exception to this is capital vessels, which are quite capable on their own.

注:这是一个只有 能量 导弹 与 协同 的势力,他们的舰船不同于速子那样带有少量的 通用 槽位,即——缺乏足够的动能输出,也是造就上述几条特征的核心因素。

The mod also adds a new kind of weapon, known as drone bays and drone racks, this weaponry enables a ship to provide a constant stream (1 wing per minute) of highly disposable drones, or just a single wing them, respectively. Considering the upcoming changes to fighters in the next update I avoided adding more variety of drone bays/racks, and depending on how they behave, I might add a larger variety of them, or scrap the concept.



背景故事 两份简短的篇幅,讲述了联盟成立初期的概况与遭遇的种种大事件Origins of the Coalition:
联盟伊始:]The Coalition owes its creation to the Collapse. As the news of the gates closing reached the population of Arcon, despair began to settle in.联盟的起源可追溯至大崩塌时期,随着星门关闭的消息传到 Arcon 的各大机构之后,惶恐与不安便开始笼罩着那里的每一处角落。
You see, Arcon was completely unable to feed the population it currently had. The planet housedabout one hundred and twenty million souls at the time, it is much lower now, though.你们要知道,在当时情景之下的 Arcon 根本无力负担所承载的庞大人口。这个星球曾经供养着近一亿两千万条灵魂,如今已大为缩减。
Arcon was entirely dependent on food imports coming from the gates, and with their closing, not just the planet, but the whole system would surely perish.Arcon 的食物供应几乎完全依赖于星门,伴随着星门的关闭。不仅是这颗星球,整个星系都必然走向灭亡。
Worldwide protests erupted demanding a solution, but none was given, actually none could be given. The local Domain forces just told us to wait, and that the gates would reopen in time.全球范围的抗议活动接踵而至,要求当局尽快提供一个解决的方案。但是没有答复,实际上也没有人能给出答复。当地的人之领守备部队仅告知我们耐心等待,星门一定会及时的重启。
Months passed, and there were no news from the gates, and as stockpiles dwindled famine began to settle in。数月即逝,星门重启之事杳无消息。与此同时随着库存的枯竭,饥荒开始蔓延。
It was not something I'm proud of, but if I had to do it I would do it again. In order to alleviate the situation a bit, we began... I took command of some PDF, and under a red flag, began raiding the neighboring systems.这绝非令我引以为傲之事,但倘若令当年的情景再现,我会做出同样的选择。为了稍微缓解这般局面,我们...我开始指挥某些本土的行星防御部队,在如此危机状况之下去袭掠周边星系。
It was not much but it was something, and in time it was something that was done to us too. Raids on our systems were increasing. It was clearly an unsustainable situation. But suddenly there was a spark of hope.看似杯水车薪,但仍有所斩获。这也是当下为我们自身谋求生存的一种手段。而随着对星系的掠夺愈加频繁,我们都清楚地意识到这样的局面并不会长久,但突然间却冒出一丝希望的火花。
The big boys at Praxis had an interesting proposal. We would eat Reydian wildlife, it was a completely fantastic and utterly dumb idea. To consume alien life, even if it was exceptionally similar to our own, haha!, you should have seen the news of the time.Praxis 的当权者们给出了一个有趣的提议,尝试让我们食用 Reydian 行星上的野生物种。这是一个愚昧且异想天开的办法,去食用外星生物,即使它有着与我们异常相似的特征。哈哈哈!你们也应该看过了当时的那些新闻。
Surely we could have retroengineered the lifeforms to be more compatible, but that would have taken years, and we did not have the time. No, they proposed something much simpler, to treat our new food source with engineered bacteria which would consume it an in exchange produce an edible grey goop.当然,我们确实可以通过逆向工程,重组其生命形式使其更适合人类食用,但那将耗费数十年时间,而我们等不了那么久了。不过他们提出了另一种更为简易的方法,使用工程细菌处理我们的新食物来源,这种细菌会吞噬那些生物并转化为一种可食用的灰色粘稠物。
It was sound, it was doable, it was our salvation, yet it was illegal. Reydes was a garden world, and its unique but strangely similar biochemistry to our own, the notion of ancient panspermia made it even more appealing to the Domain's scientific interests.在声讨与决议中,我们认定了这一自我拯救的方案,但是这违背了律法。Reydian 是一个独特的花园世界,这里的生物化学与我们有着惊人的相似之处,同时源自于古代的胚种论概念更是提起了人之领对该地区开展科学研究的兴趣。
In the end it was what made us take action. The grand admiral wouldn't let us, so we had to make it happen. We rebelled, PDF and even some of my fellow Domain officers, struck down the local Domain HQ on the ring.至于结果,海军元帅选择阻挡在我们的面前,这迫使我们发动政变,联合行星防御部队与我结识的部分人之领军官们摧毁了位于轨道环上的人之领指挥部。
Now nobody stood between us and our salvation, one last battle was ahead of us. We rushed to Reydes followed by countless ships converted for fishing and science vessels.现在没有人能阻止我们前往那个救赎的世界了,剩下的战斗在 Reydian 等待着我们。在行驶之际,无数被临时改装成捕捞与科研用途的舰船紧随我们身后。
We expected a glorious last stand, but we found nothing. In my excitement, I never took in consideration that the other worlds in the system were as much dependant as we were on the gates. Reydes population was minimal, just extremely isolated scientific outposts, they had no chance against the raids as we had suffered. We took the survivors in, salvaged everything we could, and began the next phase of the plan...我们期待着这场光荣的最后一战。但实际却是一无所获。我的意思是,我从未考虑到星系内的其他行星与我们同样依赖来自星门的供给。Reydes 的人口十分稀少,只有零散而孤立的科研前哨站,这使得他们无力抵御入侵。竭尽所能,我们带走了幸存者与一切可回收的东西,并随后开始进行下一阶段的计划...
Diaz, R (performer), Serrano, J (director), Carr, AM, Clarke, E, Duncan, I (producers) 187. Memoirs of Rodrigo Diaz (holo recording), Praxis, Arconian News Network.Diaz.R (出演), Serrano.J (导演), Carr.AM, Clarke.E, Duncan.I (制作) 来自 187 星年 Diaz.Rodrigo 的回忆录 (全息纪录), Praxis, Arconian 新闻网络媒体。
简要:]The Coalition is one of many factions formed from the remains of the Domain.联盟是从人之领余部中建立起的诸多势力之一。
The collapse of the Domain meant the downfall of civilization, gates were shut contact with the rest of humanity was lost and supplies became harder and harder to come by.人之领统治的瓦解意味着文明的终结,星门之间的联系被切断,人类被从统一的世界中割离,而物资补给日渐困难。
This was especially hard for the Tyrador system, as no world in it was completely self sufficient, with no external support, the system would slowly but surely fall into chaos. This prompted the creation of a new organism to ensure the survival of the system and so the Tyrador Safeguard Coalition (TSC) was established.这种情况在 Tyrador 星系尤为严重,星系内的每一个殖民地都无法做到自给自足。失去了外界的支持,整个星系将会缓慢但无可挽回地陷入混乱。至此,以延续星系的生存为首的“泰拉铎保卫联盟”(TSC)便就此诞生。
Or at least that is what the official records say. Some see the creation of the Coalition just an excuse by the leaders of Arcon, the most developed world in the system, to expand their control to the entire system, but more importantly securing a stable source of food. Heavily industrialized and subsequently completely polluted the world of Arcon had no way to support its population and was completely reliant in food imports.至少这是由官方记录所提供的记载,也有的看法认为联盟成立的官方说法只不过是 Arcon 的领导者们的一个幌子,即这个星系中最发达的殖民地想要借机扩大控制权至整个星系。但最重要的仍然是稳定食物的供给,因为遭受高度工业化污染而难以进行大规模农业种植的 Arcon 世界完全依赖粮食进口。
The first act of the Coalition was the absorption of the other planets in the system, an event that was done peacefully, after all the rest of the system's population accounted for barely a million of inhabitants, and had no way to oppose the industrial giant.联盟所开展的第一个行动便是吸收星系内的其他行星,整个过程通常是以和平的手段完成,因为那些人口仅勉强能到达百万的周边世界难以与这头工业巨兽相抗衡。
With absorption of Reydes a food source was secured. Before the Coalition, Reydes was scarcely populated, the Domain had prohibited extensive settlement due to scientific interest, since its oceans hosted native life forms. After the Coalition, Reydes was quickly industrialized in a massive effort to develop a planetary wide fishing industry.通过吸收 Reydes,这个在联盟成立前被人之领用于研究本土的生命形式而禁止广泛定居的海洋行星,在联盟治下实现了快速工业化,通过无数努力建立了全球规模的水产行业。
With this act, the core of the system was stabilized. But peace did not last long, the sector itself was not stable and raids were becoming more common. As piracy increased the Coalition was forced to militarize itself. At the time their navy was mostly a haphazardly refitted trading fleet, and battles did not usually go very well for the Coalition, which was able to prevail based only on its industrial might.这一系列的措施使星系的核心得以恢复稳定。可好景不长,现如今的星区并不安宁,伴随着海盗突袭的逐步加剧,联盟被迫使将更多的资源投入到武装力量当中。但即便如此,在当时以临时改装贸易货船作为武装支柱的联盟舰队也并非无往不利,只能凭借着强大的工业实力来维持优势。
It was a pure act of luck that changed fate, a scouting party chasing some pirates at the edge of the system found an anomaly floating deep inside the system's comet cloud, a small Domain base. The base showed signs of occupation, probably from pirates, and anything of obvious value was already looted. Believing that the facility still had some value, the ruling body sent an expedition to reactivate the base. The effort was not fruitless, meanwhile there were no usable equipment left, a big cache of data was found, mostly damaged and incomplete, but nothing some reverse engineering could not fix. After a decade of development the Coalition started modernizing its fleet managing to repel hostile raids, finally cementing its power.或许是命运的眷顾,一支侦查小队在星系的边缘跟踪海盗舰队时,探测到一座漂浮在星云中的小型人之领基地。整个设施有被海盗占领过的迹象,任何具有价值的内容也已被洗劫一空。但高层仍派遣搜索队伍去重启该基地,他们坚信此处仍有残留的珍宝。这样的努力并非徒劳,从那些早已无法使用的设备中发现了大量缓存数据,尽管绝大多数的内容呈不完整或者损坏状态,但仍然可以通过逆向工程进行修复。依靠这些数据,联盟海军在接下来的 10 年里逐步完善了对舰队的现代化改造,以此抵御着外来的侵袭并最终巩固其统治地位。
Then came the Hegemony. Looking to reestablish the Domain of Man, the Hegemony claimed the Tyrador system as theirs, this was not well received by the TSC. The ensuing conflict was long and bloody. The conflict was finally resolved at the battle of Tiilo, with the destruction of the Hegemony's forward base and their retreat from the system. In its victory Coalition made a declaration of independence to the whole sector. But this was not the end, this event also marked the transformation of a isolationist government into one invested in external affairs. As order returns to the sector, the Coalition will not let itself lose what it had achieved...紧接着霸主降临了。寻求重建人之领而宣称对 Tyrador 星系所有权的霸主并没有得到 TSC 的认可,这是一场血腥而又漫长的冲突。最终,以霸主的前线基地被摧毁并迫使撤离星系的 Tiilo 战役为这场硝烟划上了句号,此役也令联盟对整个星区宣告了其自身的独立。但是这还没有结束,这一事件也同时标志着一个孤立主义政权开始投入到对外干涉事务当中。随着秩序重返星区,联盟也势必捍卫着那些自己所取得的一切...

其他 额外的贴图包、已知问题、对隐藏内容的讲解和一些琐事,部分内容看着就像是凑数的贴图包来自 Arconian 的全新产品]搬运自官网

Current consumer research has made our company aware that the public approval of our main "Cool Mint" flavored product is not what it was before.But fear not, in order to satiate your appetite, the Arconian Faculty of Ice-cream Development, has created 3 new Coalition flavors for your enjoyment!!!.
We proudly present you our new members to the Shipsicle™ family...
但是无需担心! 为了满足您的味蕾,Arconian冰淇淋研究学院已经推出了三种全新联盟风味供您享用!!!

The original Cool Mint is now accompanied by the new flavors such as,Greek Olives, Executive Berries, and Ancient Grapes, all now available for download.

Jokes/fun aside, just download a skin pack and overwrite the mod's files. The packs include all applicable (green) TSC combat vessels, missiles and weapons... with the exception of the forgeship.
Eventually, I might make the olive color the default coloration, and keep "Cool Mint" as an alternative download along the partial TT coloration, not sure about the purple one, that one is a joke, heh I guess we'll see


[*]星系名带有"Al-Gaib", "Naib", "Sayyadina", "Kodiak", "Rolante", "Algol", "Sanctuary", "Coroz", "Zaelit", "Omega"等后缀

例如这张图上的即名为"Beta Naib"

“里面有什么?”如你所见,首先映入眼帘的便是6艘完整状态下的 余晖母舰 与一颗标志略微不同的 荒芜-沙漠行星

殖民星球后可建造的特殊建筑 这同样包括泰拉铎的首都星行星 Arcon

“其他的?”星系内还飘落着四艘基于原 泰拉铎 舰船改进来的 联盟先锋 精英版,全部独一无二并改变了战术技能与内置武器。独有插件的效果 至于每艘船具体更改了什么技能与武器啥的就麻烦自己进游戏里体会啦...一一展示出来很麻烦的

以及一个看似十分壮观但是没有特殊用途的 戴森泡
以上 就这?
测试任务 情详]首先寻找模组文件目录内的 data/missions/mission_list.csv 文件
随后通过删除文本前段的 “#” 符号解锁对应的任务但是注意,请不要解锁 TSC_ArconianOfficerTraining 与 TSC_ArconianOfficerTraining2 这两个任务。刷新舰队的脚本无法正常运行,在你尝试该任务时会导致崩溃。

”其他的任务具体都是什么?”测试任务Ⅰ教你如何使用 泰拉铎 舰船独有的 冲击驱动器 系统进行相位猛冲
测试任务Ⅱ将带你领略 大剑-级 战巡舰所内置的 审判者 巨型鱼雷的魅力
两种商品 已知问题与琐事]如简介的描述那样,这个模组同时还为游戏提供了两种全新的商品。即“雷狄安金蟹(Reydian Golden Crab)”与“重装步兵(Power Armor)”

首先重装步兵没什么好讲的,因为它压根没实装。 贴图修改自C&C4(即 命令与征服4)中区域兵队长的概念画像

而至于螃蟹,位于 Tyrador 星系内的 Reydes 行星似乎是全游戏唯一出产该商品的地点。

鸣谢列表 从文本细节的修订再到译者无法解决的技术问题,列表里的人们对协助完善汉化起到了至关重要的帮助List]提盾冲锋 - 在我的意识被不断弹出报错的内核文件击垮之前,他救了我。

FAX - 精简、工整、高效,只需投递译稿10分钟,你就会与我一样对FAX那妙笔绝春般之修饰技艺赞誉有加。

龟龟在坐锅观天、Jaylyn、lili、saya39、电工猫/AnyIDElse - 上至技术咨询 排除疑问,下到生僻探讨 确立译名。没有他们的帮助,那么对于各色难题感到一头雾水的译者将很有可能遗留下大量的瑕疵。对于这一点,向他们表达诚挚的感谢。

关于译者 我想没什么好说的乐意读到这里也是十分感激了]因各种不可抗理由前前后后耗时24周,是兴趣使然的lowb新人翻译。


想必在SS0.9发布的几个月后便已经有不少人在搬运板块看见了泰拉铎 当时被称为泰拉多尔。而 “为什么时隔近一年,甚至离初版发布早已有7年之久的今天,这个看似内容完善、丰富且相对平衡的老模组却显得有些默默无闻?” 这个疑问在译者对其模组进行深度的了解之后便一直留存至今。

于是,出于对模组近乎狂热的喜爱与海鲜群群友的帮助,相对齐全的新版汉化便在本人抱着i can i up的态度下日趋完善,也算是为这个遗憾填上了一个自我满意的结局。


龟龟坐锅观天 发表于 2020-3-2 07:54:51

本帖最后由 龟龟在坐锅观天 于 2020-3-2 08:21 编辑


FAX 发表于 2020-3-2 08:07:41

gab tql

Jaylyn 发表于 2020-3-2 08:51:42


Rinku 发表于 2020-3-2 11:23:50


yokc163 发表于 2020-3-2 14:53:18


不知名 发表于 2020-3-2 20:50:54


zerong 发表于 2020-3-8 02:13:32


Gabliele 发表于 2020-3-8 04:32:39

zerong 发表于 2020-3-8 02:13
我装了大概30个mod,平时都挺好的,但装这个之后游戏就开始频繁崩溃,今天试了一整天,现在大致排查出问题 ...


英 Kadur Remnant 3.1.0
英 中微子公司 1.86-RC3
英 星舰传奇 1.3.14
中 血腥无政府主义者 1.0.1c
中 田东重工 1.2.1
中 世界之树科研殖民地 1.58
中 博尔肯基金会 0.2.7-RC3
中 地质协会 0.34
中 女武神组织 1.8.0
中 希尔芬研究所 0.9.5e
中 恶魔航电 2.04
中 星光结社 1.4.2
中 星际帝国 2.1.2
中 暗影重建局 0.9-RC1
中 舰船武器扩展 1.10.5
中 趋光扩展 0.3.5-RC1
中 趋光议会 0.8.1-RC2
中 达索-米高扬设计局 1.18
中 重生 0.1.0
中 黑石船坞 0.9.5

另 经过一个简单的测试后,发现同时载入上述模组与使用随机模式时是可以正常进入游戏并创建存档的


zerong 发表于 2020-3-8 13:57:29

昨晚试到三点多,大致推算出问题了,势力过多,Vayra's Sector星域大修会自带5个势力,合着一起进入势力争霸模组就会崩溃,然后我数了下,一共装了40个
GraphicsLib 1.4.1
星舰传奇 1.3.10 中
拆卸与重组 1.6.9 中
(扩充)[角斗士协会]Gladiator_1.1c 中
[辅助]游戏加速SpeedUp 0.6.0
HullMod Expansion 4.2a 英
势力争霸0.9.5h 中
Boggled Station Construction空间站建设 3.0.1 中
星际帝国 2.1.2 中
舰船武器拓展 1.10.5 中
Hiigaran Descendants(10.5汉化更新) 中
卢德扩展 1.2.0 中
恶魔航电 2.04 中
(势力)达索-米高扬设计局 v1.18 中
田东重工 1.2.1a 中
(势力)暗影重建局0.9rc1 汉化0.99 中
[势力]世界之树科研殖民地 SCY1.58 [整合船贴图改] 中
(势力)阿森纳拓展 Arsenal Expansion 1.5.3h 中
(势力)泰兰船包0.3.11 中
(势力)黑石船坞Blackrock Drive Yards Ver0.9.5a 中
(势力)博尔肯基金会Foundation Of Borken 0.2.7-RC3 中
(扩充)趋光拓展AL+ 0.3.5-RC1 中
(势力)趋光议会ApproLight 0.8.1-RC2 中
(势力)女武神组织Valkyrians 1.8.1
(势力)仙山密教Celestial Mount Circle 1.2 英
(势力)KT_Association v0.34地质协会 中
Striker mercenary 打击者佣兵团0.5 中
(势力)Polaris_Prime v0.22 RC-3 北极星之首 中
中微子 Neutrino corp 1.85 RC4.1 中
(势力)ICE 0.3.5 LTS2(0.91最新版).. 英
(势力)血腥无政府主义背叛者SAD 1.0.1c 汉化ver1.0中
霸主速子崛起拓展叫霸主p就行v1.0 中
山海ShanHai1.0.2forStarsector0.9.1a 中
古兰木达Gudalanmu0.14RC3 中
(势力)泰拉铎保卫联盟 1.6.1c·············································
VayrasSector3.1.5星域大修 英
mayorate-1.0.0 城邦集合体 英
(势力)Sylphon_0.9.1 英


zerong 发表于 2020-3-8 19:30:40

Gabliele 发表于 2020-3-8 04:32
在上传之前,个人已使用该模组搭配0.9.5h版本的势力争霸与3.1.5版本的星域大修进行过一段时间的游玩,并 ...

java.lang.Null Pointer Exception
        at Person Bounty Intel.<init>(Vayra PersonBounty
        at data.scripts.VayraModPlugin.onNewGameAfterTimePass(
        at Source)
        at com.fs.starfarer.title.TitleScreenState.dialogDismissed(Unknown Source)
        at com.fs.starfarer.ui.N.dismiss(Unknown Source)
        at com.fs.starfarer.ui.impl.K.dismiss(Unknown Source)
        at Source)
        at com.fs.starfarer.ui.newnew.buttonPressed(Unknown Source)
        at com.fs.starfarer.ui.I.?00000(Unknown Source)
        at com.fs.starfarer.ui.I.processInput(Unknown Source)
        at com.fs.starfarer.ui.O0Oo.o00000(Unknown Source)
        at com.fs.starfarer.BaseGameState.traverse(Unknown Source)
        at com.fs.state.AppDriver.begin(Unknown Source)
        at com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain.main(Unknown Source)
        at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher$ Source)
        at Source)

清风雨共眠 发表于 2020-4-6 02:50:39


Syrida 发表于 2020-4-8 09:21:31


神威昂 发表于 2020-4-10 19:27:18


适度 发表于 2020-4-11 17:48:38


fioglofe 发表于 2020-5-6 01:19:36


Gabliele 发表于 2020-5-7 01:12:38

fioglofe 发表于 2020-5-6 01:19



YangXiaoLong42r 发表于 2020-5-7 11:55:28


sunplayer 发表于 2020-5-8 15:57:32


Gabliele 发表于 2020-5-8 16:55:55

sunplayer 发表于 2020-5-8 15:57
实际使用中没有这个前置需求,可以消耗25点给一个战列配给3 ...


sunplayer 发表于 2020-5-8 18:26:27

Gabliele 发表于 2020-5-8 16:55
啊这个插件的存在意义要通过作者写的那篇计划日志来解释的话有点麻烦,不过简单来讲这个插件会在下个或者 ...

a long story...

DX2002 发表于 2020-7-19 16:13:15


星域杂工jn_xyp 发表于 2020-7-31 05:43:57

DX2002 发表于 2020-7-19 16:13


宇宙拖油瓶-s姚 发表于 2020-8-4 19:12:40


力大压山 发表于 2020-8-4 21:11:22


共产主义接班人 发表于 2020-9-4 20:19:16


斯风 发表于 2020-10-14 21:34:53


没有名字z 发表于 2020-11-28 23:54:40


ghostblade 发表于 2020-12-13 14:52:31


爱潜水的兔子 发表于 2021-1-24 12:03:42


爱潜水的兔子 发表于 2021-1-24 12:05:37

爱潜水的兔子 发表于 2021-1-24 12:03
这个设定是我看过最全,最符合逻辑的。工业化星球缺乏耕地,因此食物成为重中之重。在此基础上展开 ...


taolor 发表于 2021-2-27 07:57:25


15505 发表于 2021-3-1 22:08:10


RockmanII 发表于 2021-3-2 13:03:16


量子攻势3 发表于 2021-3-17 12:12:49


lili 发表于 2021-3-17 15:14:34


感冬 发表于 2021-10-17 08:17:30


贼不走空 发表于 2022-1-17 15:21:58


万有引力 发表于 2022-1-17 17:11:55


ccalangx 发表于 2022-3-7 13:38:40


希格拉之耀 发表于 2022-7-12 22:32:01


Ainotto 发表于 2023-1-9 01:44:24


夜—— 发表于 2023-5-11 20:07:31


一只无害狸罢了 发表于 2023-5-24 14:33:27

页: [1]
查看完整版本: 【0.9】泰拉铎保卫联盟 [Tyrador Safeguard Coalition] 1.6.1c